Friday, October 5, 2007

This System Will Help Those Forex Traders With Just A Few Trading Hours Available

There are diverse systems and methods for Forex trading that will teach you pretty successful approaches to a profitable trading career. But many of them will ask you for a good chunk of your working day. And that may become a problem if you still have a full time job and besides you still have a family you must consider and take care of.

If this is your case then you should look for a forex trading system that will improve your trading with new strategies that will allow you to keep your fulltime job and mainly, keep your family happy.

In order to save time used on chart analysis and indicators reading you must use a trading strategy like the ones used in what is known as swing trading. This is a forex trading approach that relies on identifying winning trades on short time intervals (15 min, 30 min, 1 hrs charts). As you can see from the trading intervals this kind of system will naturally free you from spending the whole day watching how the markets evolve with time. You just need short bursts of profits from time localized trades.

With the correct swing trading system you will have good, solid and consistent profits resulting from clear entry orders, calculated exits and this without spending too much time watching the markets. A forex trading method with a high winning percentage will be rewarding psychologically, will keep your morale high (very important in this hard trading world) and will be enjoyable to trade. After all, a string of profits will build the confidence of anyone.


FOREX Trading - 5 Common Novice Trading Mistakes

In forex trading the odds are that 90% of traders lose. While forex trading looks simple it is not and if you want to join the winning minority dont make these common mistakes.

Here are your mistakes to avoid in no particular order of importance.

1. Trying to buy success

Its tempting to buy one of the courses or e-books sold on the net that promise you wealth for around $100.00, but common sense should tell you cant buy success in the manner.

If you really want to buy one - ask for the real time track record and see the profits the vendor has made. After all if he has made no money why should you trust his advice?

You will find in forex trading that most of these courses are sold by writers who have never traded in their lives, or failed brokers.

In most instances you wont get a real time track record. Dont fall for the hype.

2. Dont day trade

If you really want to lose money go ahead and day trade its the best way to wipe out your account equity quickly.

The odds are against you and the theory that you can tell where prices are going in such a short time period as a day is nonsense.

3. Understand and have confidence in your method

If you buy a method or do you own make sure you understand the logic it is based on or you will not be able to follow it with discipline.

If you dont have confidence in your method you wont have the discipline to follow it. If this occurs you dont have a method at all!

4. Choose a simple system

Its a fact in forex trading that simple systems work best and only contain a few indicators.

The more complicated a system is the more likely it is to break in the brutal world of trading.

Simple systems are easy to understand, easy to apply and have the best chance of making you money.

5. Work Smart Not Hard There is no correlation between how hard you work and how much money you make. You need to work smart not hard.

Get a simple system and once that is done and your trading should take an hour a day or less. Many traders are constantly chopping and changing systems looking for the holy grail but sadly it doesnt exist.

You can do it

The fact is everything about forex trading can be learned and anyone can learn the basics of good trading. To do this you must accept responsibility for your destiny.

No one else will give you success it comes from within.

All the information you need to start trading forex for success is on the net and its free. Get started by getting studying a technical breakout system and adding filters and you will see how easy it is.

To succeed you need to work smart, learn a method you have confidence in and then finally, have the discipline to trade it for long term success.


On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader and for an exclusive forex basics PDF visit our website at

Stock Loans

Hedge current portfolio positions and gain access to capital resources through loans against free trading, aged affiliate or aged non-affiliate securities. Make proper use of your assets while waiting for performance and hedge your position should the asset move against you.

Whether you need to borrow cash for personal or business purposes, these loans against stock can be funded in as few as five business days and are available to insiders, affiliates and common shareholders of publicly traded companies on U.S. exchanges, as well as other major foreign exchanges.

Big Board or Large Cap stockholders are usually elegible for high LTV's while Small to Mid-Cap stockholders can receive respectable LTV's based on exchange, price and liquidity. Furthermore, no expenses or upfront fees are charged for our loan programs.

Stock Loan is a loan. It is not a sale. For most of our borrowers, a Stock Loan does not trigger a capital gains tax event unless they default. And though the proceeds cannot be put into any marginable securities, they are available for other types of investments or purchases. Interest can accrue or be paid quarterly.

There are no margin calls. Enron stock investors with a Flagship Stock Loan would have received 90% loan to value out of their investment - and been free to walk away without a single margin or house call, even after the infamous fall in share price.

Yes, literally, walk away. These are "non-recourse" stock loans, so that if you wish, you may simply walk away and owe not a penny more to us as lender, with no negative consequence to your credit, forfeiting only the presumably devalued stock shares. Why? We've written private hedges on every share. And though you may have tax consequences in the event of default, you won't have to repay your loan to us.

In the market? Out? Why not both? So you want your stock investments to stay stock investments. You love your stock picks. And they aren't doing too badly, maybe have some great prospects next year too. You rightly don't want to sell (maybe capital gains taxes are looming?); you don't want to leave the market. But you need the cash. In... Out...Go.... Stay... What to do?

Consider a Stock Loan for Your Stock Investment. Put a floor on your potential loss, while keeping all of your potential gain. Stock Loan means you can do both. No need to sell your shares if you'd rather leave them in the market working for you... You can tap their value today ? safely ? so you can have the cash you require. You'll get 90% of the market value and no principle or interest payments, if you choose to let interest accrue.

But... if the share price increases, that increase belongs entirely to you. The upside (depending on the type of Stock Loan you choose) from the the stock portfolio is thus yours. You stay in the market, and out, at the same time. The best of both worlds!

Afra AmirSanjari is the Principal for Peacock Capital. Peacock Capital specializes in solving the cash flow challenges of Small/Medium Businesses, Government Vendors and Individuals with innovative financial solutions by providing a network for securing operating capital.;

Why Doctors Are Poor And Computer Geeks are Rich

In the old days, doctors were the rich ones who drove huge cars, had big houses and were well-respected. And the computer geeks, well, did not exist. Now the doctors are struggling with car loans and mortgage repayments, and Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. What happened ?

Here are some reasons given :

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad feels sorry for doctors. Many of them are woefully financially illiterate. He cannot understand why people who are supposed to be clever can be so inadequately informed in areas of managing their finances.

2. A Millionaire Next Door was kinder. They theorised that maybe doctors were very generous with their money since they are inclined to help people by nature, and not be too greedy or concerned about money. However, one doctor can only do so much to help a limited number of people. Bill Gates has a huge fund with which to bring AIDS medicine to the poor developing countries and much more.

3. Many doctors are over-consumers and under but having a very low net worth relative to their income. Net worth does not include the home that you live in. It is counted by assets that generate money such as property, stock portfolios and businesses. Many doctors only have their salaries as their primary source of income.

4. Doctors tend to spend a lot because they have an image to upkeep. Apparently people think that a doctor who comes to work in a Lexus must be a better doctor than one who took a bus to work. They also need to stay in better neighbourhoods where things generally cost more.

5. Doctors also spend very little time monitoring their finances because they are too busy doing other things like saving lives. Those who are millionaires spend at least 4 times more time reviewing and assessing their finances, and their investment portfolios. They are more likely to have a budget and know how much the family spends on things.

6. Doctors tend to be either employees or self-employed because they are perfectionists who want to be the best at what they are doing. Of course, one would appreciate that if one was going to see his doctor, he would hope the doctor was more inclined to be the best in his field. But the point is, the truely rich people are the business owners, who are not the best in their field. They know how to lead a team of the best people so they get the money !!

7. Doctors don't know much else other than being doctors cos they spent too long in medical school. Their long working hours also makes it difficult for them to explore other areas.

8. Oh, and because they spent so long in medical school running up huge debts in student loans, they couldn't start saving till about 10 years later than their classmates who dropped out after high school to start an internet business.

9. People think doctors are rich and so expect them to be nice and give them free medical treatment because it is deemed "essential". Nobody expects models to work for free or volunteer their time for charity.

10. I can't think of Number 10. It just seemed nice to have a number 10.

Karen Cheong believes we all have it in us to be rich - really ridiculously wealthy. We just need to learn to unleash the potential.

Find out what the rich know that the poor do not. Visit

Buyback Versus Dividend

There are two ways company can give out its profit to shareholders. One is to give out dividends. The other is to buy back its own stocks. Which one is more appropriate? This article will explore the topic further.

The American tax law give a slight edge to stock buybacks. It is taxed once before the company decide to use its profit for stock buyback. (Every profit in a corporation is normally taxed). Dividend payment meanwhile is taxed twice. Once when the corporation reports a profit. Twice, when the shareholders receive it as an income. Most recently, investors receiving dividend income are taxed at rate of 15%.

So, does stock buy back is always advantageous to dividend payment? No, not really. It really depends on what price the company buys its own stock. If a company buys back its stock when the stock price is relatively overvalued, then it is better to distribute it as dividends. Shareholders can then appropriately invest it in undervalued investments.

So, at what point will dividend make much more sense? This all goes back to the fair value of the common stock itself. In a 4.5% interest rate environment, stock trading at a fair value is yielding 7.5% ( a Price Earning Ratio of 13.3 ). This assumes a 0% growth in earning. Therefore, it is desirable for companies to buy back its stock at a P/E of 13.3 or less.

But, wait. Since, dividend is taxed at a 15% rate, company that buys back its own stock at fair value will still saves shareholders 15%. Therefore, buyback still reward shareholder even when the common stock is 15 % overvalued. Based on this, company should continue buying back its stock only when the stock is trading at a P/E of (115% x 13.3) = 15.3. For a 0 % growth, it makes no sense for management to insist on buying back its stock that is trading at a P/E higher than 15.3.

One recent example is Intel Corporation (INTC) which initiates a $ 25 Billion intelligent stock buyback on Thursday Nov 10th 2005. At current price of $ 26.16 and $ 2.24 positive net cash on the balance sheet, Intel is buying back its stock at a forward P/E of 16.72. While this is a high P/E to buyback stock for a company that is not growing, Intel is not a 0% growth stock. Analysts generally expect Intel to grow its earning by 15.5% for the next five years.

Investing Idea is Free. Please visit our commentary section at

Judging Whether You Can Profit From a Put Option, Part 3

In this example, you would lose $300 by not following your own standard and bailing out at 4. Even if the stock did fall later on, time would work against you. The longer it takes for a turnaround in the price of the underlying stock, the more time value loss you need to overcome. The stock might fall a point or two over a three-month period, so that you merely trade time value for intrinsic value, with the net effect of zero; it is even likely that the overall premium value will decline if intrinsic value is not enough to offset the lost time value.

The problem of time value deterioration is the same problem experienced by call buyers. It does not matter whether price movement is required to go up (for call buyers) or down (for put buyers); time is the enemy, and price movement has to be adequate to offset time value as well as produce a profit through more intrinsic value. If you seek bargains several points away from the striking price, it is easy to overlook this reality. You need a substantial change in the stock's market value just to arrive at the price level where intrinsic value will begin to accumulate.

Example: Good Trend But Not Enough: You bought a LEAPS put for 5 with a striking price of 30, when the stock was at $32 per share. There were 22 months to go until expiration and the entire put premium was time value; you estimated that there was plenty of time for the price of the stock to fall, producing a profit. Between purchase date and expiration, the underlying stock falls to 27, which is 3 points in the money. At expiration, the put is worth 3, meaning you lose $200 upon sale of the put. Time value has evaporated. Even though you are 3 points in the money, it is not enough to match or beat your investment of $500.

The further out of the money, the cheaper the premium for the optionand the lower the potential to ever realize a profit. Even using LEAPS and depending on longer time spans, you have to accept the reality: The current time value premium reflects the time until expiration, so you will pay more time value premium for longer-term puts. That means you have to overcome more points to replace time value with intrinsic value.

If you buy an in-the-money put and the underlying stock increases in value, you lose one point for each dollar of increase in the stock's market valueas long as it remains in the moneyand for each dollar lost in the stock's market value, your put gains a point in premium value. Once the stock's market value rises above striking price, there remains no intrinsic value; your put is out of the money and the premium value becomes less responsive to price movement in the underlying stock. While all of this is going on, time value is evaporating as well.

Tip: For option buyers, profits are realized primarily when the option is in the money. Out-of-the-money options are poor candidates for appreciation, because time value rarely increases.

Whether you prefer lower-premium, out-of-the-money puts or higher-premium in-the-money puts, always be keenly aware of the point gap between the stock's current market value and striking price of the put. The further out of the money, the less likely it is that your put will produce a profit.

To minimize your exposure to risk, limit your speculation to options on stocks whose market value is within five points of the striking price. In other words, if you buy out-of-the-money puts, avoid those that are deep out of the money. What might seem like a relatively small price gap can become quite large when you consider that all of the out-of-the-money premium is time value, and that no intrinsic value can be accumulated until your put goes in the money.

Get your Momentum Stock Trading System and sign up for my free weekly online trading system newsletter here at:

History - Beyond Historical Knowledge Into the Character of the People Behind Major Events

Webster's Dictionary defines history as: "A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events" (Webster's 2001). Historically, history is studied for many reasons. One major reason is to acquire historical knowledge.

One must look at all the historical facts and events recorded from history, to acquire what may be penned as "historical knowledge." This is not just head knowledge and rote memorization, but an understanding of the facts, deaths, purchases, wars, business dealings, and most of all the understanding of the "character" of the people behind these major events.

Whether reading about Lincoln, our sixteenth president of the United States, who persevered as a president and abolished slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation, or the Louisiana Purchase whereby America obtained a huge acreage of land for about the price of a modem day hotel. Also the great depression of the 1920's affected many people mentally and physically--creating a tough decade for all our citizens. These and many other historical events are studied because of knowledge--and knowledge is the power of history.

In 1860 the political conflict was slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Lincoln's party, the Republicans, stood for the total abolition of slavery in America. "A house divided against itself cannot stand," Lincoln stated.

Furthermore, "This government cannot endure permanently, half slave and have free...I do not expect the house to fall.. .It will become all one thing or another" (Young Republic 25). In 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring all slaves in the Confederacy free--by his authority as president and commander in chief.

History accelerated the size of our United States when our third president, Thomas Jefferson, made a deal to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France for fifteen million dollars. This enormous purchase almost doubled the size of our nation and we obtained some of the most excellent and fertile land in the whole world.

Many other U.S. lands were obtained only by blood, sacrifice, and wars. When a man fights for his lands, he often obtains victory. Today we read in our texts about the blood, sweat, and tears that our military leaders undertook to gain such victories. We owe a debt of gratitude to our government and military leaders.

Though it may not be discussed enough, our war hero's are truly the freedom fighters that captured the freedom we so easily enjoy today. Jefferson's "Rough Riders" should be praised for just such a wonderful effort to keep and sustain our freedom. This was a tough bunch of soldiers with a brave commander who was almost unstoppable.

America's economy took a huge dive downward during the Great Depression. The stock market crash of 1929 left citizens standing in line for bread and looking for work like never before in our history. History's records indicate that investors lost everything.

Thousands of banks, businesses, and schools had to close down. A ton of loans were unable to be repaid because of low crop prices. Many usually busy U.S. workers suddenly found themselves without work. Our economy has always impacted our society. The study of our economy is essential to the understanding of our history.

When we study history we learn a great deal about our country and ourselves. Abraham Lincoln continues to come to mind as a mirror to us, because he persevered as president, when others might have quit. Abraham Lincoln showed the American people young and old how to have faith when facing the challenges of life.

Lincoln also was an example of "balance" in his life, having been shot by John Wilkes Booth, at a theater, of all places. He wasn't too intelligent or strong-minded to stop enjoying his life. He took time for the things that were important, and that leaves a strong legacy for all Americans.

To conclude, one must look at all the historical facts and events recorded from history, to acquire what may be penned as "historical knowledge." This is not just head knowledge and rote memorization, but an understanding of the facts, deaths, purchases, wars, business dealings, and most of all the understanding of the "character" of the people behind these major events.

There are many Americans who are devoted to studying the textbooks, newspapers, and magazines of the past. To these brave ones we must give our respect, for they are a picture of the past, but more importantly, they are a picture of our hope for the future. Many great presidents lead this nation to become one of the greatest nations in the world today, and certainly the most powerful.

Abraham Lincoln led our nation out of slavery, and by doing so, he opened up social, political, and economic opportunity for all people and he truly led us back to the Declaration of Independence.

The events of the past have also made their way into the classroom with the almost one hundred year old pledge of allegiance. Our pledge is a constant reminder of the victories that our great leaders obtained from the past: "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The United States of America is a free country today, because of sacrifice, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to our forefathers who fought to make this country a republic, a free land, a land where anything is possible with the right amount of hard work and solid spiritual foundations.

Don Alexander is a writer and published poet and has two online missions: Sharing his writing and also helping "all to succeed" in online business. Don feels that online home business is the financial answer for the average American today.
"Helping ALL to Succeed"

Understanding the Forex Trading System

The forex trading system involves buying and selling foreign currencies, it is the biggest financial market in the world and on an average the trading ranges anywhere between united states dollar one and a half trillion to two trillion everyday. Trading goes on round the clock on all working days throughout the globe. If you plan to explore investing options in the forex trading system you must have at least a grand or a couple of grands however websites nowadays offer startup plans for as low as $200 as well.

Unlike the stock market there is no fixed market for the forex trading system. A good and effective forex trading system allows the traders to transact easily and provide more chances to increase the earnings. Forex, short for foreign exchange market, is just like any other market place, but here, currency of one country is sold for another countrys currency for some profit. Currencies are always traded in pares, some hot pairs are, USD (United States Dollar) and Japanese Yen or US Dollar and Euro.

Foreign exchange tradings are a great money making opportunity for those who know their way around, for newbie its a dream world where they either fall hard, sail well or fly high, its not easy to be a successful trader in the forex trading system., its a mix of luck and experience that must work to find success. There are a lot of companies and individuals over the internet and offline willing to help you earn money from the forex trading system but only a handful of these are true and can actually help.

Nowadays most of the calculations are done by easy to use software that need minimum input from the user. You will need help initially, and may take some time for you to get to know the forex trading system. The high degree off leverage can sweep you either way, in the forex trading system one has to assess the risk for self, think of the chance one may have individually or with the help of a broker and/ or signal provider one may have and the amount which one can safely risk without putting yourself into financial trouble. Its a law of nature, where theres potential to earn there potential to loose so just be prepared before you dive in.

Want To Learn more about Forex Trading?, feel free to visit us at: Forex Trading Info

Trend Trading or Counter Trend Trading - Which is Best?

When I first starting designing and testing trading systems, back in the early days of personal computers and trading software, I immediately gravitated toward counter trend trading. I would put up a stochastic, before I even knew what it was measuring, and my eye went right to all the divergences. A divergence is a basic counter trend pattern, where the price makes a new high, for example, and the indicator makes a corresponding lower high, thus forming a divergence with the price. The idea is that the new price high was not confirmed by momentum, which in this case was losing strength. When this pattern is seen, it is thought the market might have put in a high for the move, and it might turn around and go in the other direction.

I liked the idea of picking tops and bottoms. I was getting really good at it, at least on paper. I thought I had found the Holy Grail of trading. It all looked so easy. Almost every new high or new low on the chart was accompanied by a very clear divergence pattern. These patterns just jumped off the charts, screaming at me. I thought I had found the key to my trading plan, and it was going to be to be able to pick the point of a trend change. In other words, I was going to become an expert at picking tops and bottoms.

Then I started trying to trade all these easy patterns with real money. For some reason, whenever I would take a trade on one of these patterns the market didn't know it was supposed to reverse. It would just keep going in the direction it had been going. I would get several divergences and the results would be the same. That is, of course, until I got so burned out trying to catch the reversal and I would give up. Then, like magic, the perfect divergence pattern would appear, but I would not be in the trade.

I would caution anyone who thinks that they can pick the spot, with any accuracy, of a top or bottom in the market. I know many gurus and market timers claim to be able to do it. It can be quite gratifying to pick the top of a market, especially when all the media and analyst are on one side of the market, and you go the other direction and win. It gives you a very brief sense of superiority. You could see something that nobody else could, and you made a profit with this knowledge. However, after engaging in this activity for any length of time, one should review the account statements to really see if this has been a profitable way to trade.

It is remarkable how the eye can pick out major highs and lows on a chart, and to see many reasons why the top or bottom was so obvious. Maybe there was a classic three drives to a high pattern, or a head and shoulders pattern, along with diverging momentum or volume. It makes picking tops and bottoms look so easy. But if you analyze the chart more carefully, youll probably find two or three times as many set-ups that fail. The mind somehow glosses over the failed set-ups and goes right to the successful patterns.

After many frustrating attempts unsuccessfully using the stochastic indicator, I decided to study with the person who developed the indicator. I flew to Chicago to study with George Lane. Here was the guy who developed the indicator that almost everyone at that time was using to spot divergence patterns, and he talked me out of trading divergences, except in rare case. He only used the stochastic as a confirmation if many other conditions of trend change were present. I still like that indicator, but I use it in an entirely different way now. The time spent studying with him probably saved me years of frustration and a lot of money avoiding losses.

When thinking about trend change there are some things to keep in mind. First, trends tend to persist; often longer than you think is logical. When trends are up they often climb that wall of worry. Worry that the market will collapse without warning and take away your profit. Worry that the fundamentals don't justify the prices being traded. Logic might dictate taking profits, but there is worry of leaving money on the table. Uptrends tend to end more leisurely, at least in the stock market. For the public, it is easier to decide to enter a market or take profits in the calm of rising prices, where only greed is the factor. In down markets, traders often panic, and margin calls with fears of losing your home are often a motivator that results in more urgency. Therefore, bottoms can form quickly and sharply. Futures markets seem to be a bit more even regarding uptrends and downtrends, due to the nature of the mix of traders involved. A sideways trending market, or a market with a perceived lack of trend, will often lull traders into complacency, and with attention elsewhere, breakouts into a trend can be missed.

To summarize, I find the best strategy is to find the main, confirmed trend, whatever indicator or method used to determine that trend. Then trade only in the direction of that confirmed trend. Trading pullbacks, such as flag patterns, will usually offer the safest entry points. Trends have smaller cycles within the larger cycle. There are usually pullbacks within the longer term trend. One can still trade turning points of these smaller cycles, as long as they are in the direction of the longer-term trend. I will accept kicking myself for the few times I see major tops or bottoms that I will most certainly miss. This is a small price to pay for missing many losing trades resulting from trying to buck the trend. There are always trends somewhere, and in some timeframe. Going against the trend is like jumping into a river flowing rapidly in one direction, and trying to swim in the opposite direction. It is difficult and exhausting to do. It's much easier to float down the river in the direction that the current wants to go. The ego is more gratified in going the opposite way. The ego is also one of the most difficult aspects of trading to overcome.

Doug Tucker has a blog with daily commentary on stock indexes, precious metals, and other markets. There are many articles on technical analysis and indicator design and interpretation. To visit go to:

Avoiding Scam HYIP Sites

Everyday about three dozen new HYIP sites come out offering to be the solution to your financial dreams and promise you a life fulled with riches and satisfaction. Ill tell you right off the back there lying. Yes, these HYIP sites are straight out lying to you. Studies show that %99 of HYIP sites are scam, and from my experience this statistic holds true.

HYIP stands for High Yield Investing Program. When we think of investing we think of Wall Street, Stocks, Bonds, and all that good stuff but on the internet HYIP is just a coverup scam sites use to take away your money.

Most HYIP sites are Ponzi Scams. The name Ponzi comes from the man Charles Ponzi who scammed millions of dollars from his Friends, Family, Coworkers, etc. Charles Ponzi paid out his original investors from the investment of others, the same type of scam happens today.

The basic setup for scams is that a new HYIP site comes up claiming they are backed up by Forex Trading. They say all these words to draw you in there trap and at first they probably do pay you, however a few weeks later the site will run away with all the money from investors and you will be left in the dirt. Hundreds of new HYIP sites are made every week and people still fall into their scams, I wouldnt be surprised if it was just a group of a small individuals just massively making new HYIPs due to the fact that people keep investing (and losing) money in them.

Now by reading the first couple of paragraphs, your probably now scared into investing anything online, which is okay, HYIPs are usually run as games and when the payout reaches a certain percentage they stop paying and start a new round. People usually get carried away because they see there making money so they invest all the money they make back into the same program, thats mistake number one. First thing you DO not want to do with HYIPs is reinvest your principal money, take that out ASAP and play only with your profits. There are many more common mistakes and I will discuss them in the upcoming paragraphs.

The 5 ways to avoid being scammed

1) Take back your principal investment

As mentioned above, when you invest in a program and receive your money back in addition with your profit, invest only the profits! When you do it this way you now have no risk in losing your money in HYIPs, youll just lose your profits and nothing else. What you may also want to do is instead of investing all of your profit, invest %75 of it and keep %25 of it. That way no matter what you come out a winner. Remember take up your principal deposit and play with profits!

2) Study the website

Studying a website does take some research, but it will help you in the long run. If you see a HYIP site claiming to be backed up by Forex ask them for some of there records to see if there telling you the truth or lying. Do a Whois lookup on their domain name to see if there around as long as they say, ask the admin questions, call them if a number is provided, email them and see if they respond. HYIP Scammers are always in a rush and want to get your money and leave ASAP, real HYIP admins wont lie to you and will take the time to answer your questions truthfully, do your homework and you will be awarded!

3) Check the Interest

If a program is offering more then %10 a day, it is off the back a Ponzi Scam. This does not mean do not invest with them, but it does mean that they are a ponzi and are probably running their HYIP in a game type format (when payout reaches X the next round will become) or they are relying on paying your investments with the investment of new investors. The reason I can say that if a program offers more then %10 that they are a Scam or a Game is because real professional traders cant possibly offer returns as high as %20-50 profit per day, that is unrealistic and if they DO offer those rates they are probably running a game HYIP or ponzi HYIP. Check the Interest, you can still make money if a program is a ponzi or game but if you want a reliable program you should settle for %2-5 daily.

-Note: The same goes with referral rates, if they are large and unrealistic such as receiving %30 the program is most likely scamming/tricking you in one way or another.-

4) Dont put all your eggs in one basket

Im sure you heard the expression Dont put all your eggs in one basket well this is true, especially for online investment. If you put $50 into a program, they could run off the next day, and now your left with $0. The smart thing to do is that if you have $50 is to invest $10 into 5 different programs, that way you are almost guaranteed to make some type of profit. The more diversifying the more monitoring and tracking you have to do, but the more money you make, dont be lazy, do some work!

5) Dont let your emotions run you over

Okay so you invested $100 and received %100 profit. You have $200 and confident that you can double that you immediately reinvest it. Happily, you receive your $400 and quickly reinvest that to make $800, however for some reason you dont get your $800, instead you get nothing, the program just ran away! Yes, that is right, dont let emotions control you, people do crazy things when they think they could be making a lot of money, dont invest to much money into HYIP as in the long run you will probably lose out, instead follow the rule number 1 and you should come out ahead.

From reading this article you learn 5 essential tips that will help you identifying if a HYIP is a scam or not, when and if you should invest, and how to minimize your risk of losing your money. If you follow these strategies you should be making money with HYIPs instead of losing them. Have fun and happy earning

Raiel Schwartz the admin of has been in the HYIP game for several months and has learned how to make the most profit on online opportunities such as Autosurfs, Get Paid To, and HYIPs. If you want a complete guide of HYIP you should visit HYIP101

Staying In Stocks - Is It Worth The Risk?

You have discovered a rich alluvial gold bearing creek that no-one else knows about. By patiently panning in the river bed, you can extract $1,000 worth of gold a day. There is at least a year's supply there. That's $365,000 worth. Not bad money?

Only problem is theres a dam upstream that has a crack in the wall. This dam spills over into the river when it overflows. And it happens to have been built right on an earthquake fault line. The crack appears to be getting worse, but only very slowly. And there have been tremors in the area. Everyone knows about it, but strangely, each tremor only seems to make the locals even more complacent about the inevitable big one that is coming. There is no doubt the dam will collapse and flood the river in minutes if (when) there is a serious earthquake. And everyone knows it is coming. But when? Nobody knows. And the longer it takes the further away it seems.

If you are in the creek bed when the dam breaks, you will have no chance at all. You will be swept to your death. And you will have little or no warning, except the frequent tremors.

How long have you got? It could be one day. It could be a year. No-one knows. All you have is the tremors for signs and the knowledge of the risk.

Will you risk it? Only you can answer that.

Thats exactly what it is like being in the share market at the moment. Because the walls of these markets have not burst yet, despite the evidence of many cracks, complacency reigns supreme. Unsustainable debt threatens to cause collapse all over, but the solution is to just stick more Band Aids over it and keep the blinkers on.

The longer time goes on and the big one still doesnt arrive, the more we are tempted to go back and buy shares (pan for more gold). Yet now there is even less time until the big one.

Should you do it? Only you can decide. But I will try and re-paint the picture for you so that you know the pitfalls as well as the opportunities. You need to make the decision with the front part of your brain called the neo-cortex, which is the conscious, rational, logical thinking part. But when it comes to investment decisions, the neo-cortex is powerfully overridden by the larger limbic system of the brain, which is driven by impulse and emotion, not logic or common sense. You are not even aware of the unconscious urge you have to herd with others, to follow the crowd. Without even realizing it, most times you buy or sell shares or property because thats what everyone else is doing. And although purveyors of investment products, with a gun held to their head by regulators, pay lip service to the mantra past performance is no guarantee of future results, the reality is that that is totally ignored, by both clients and their advisers, so powerful is the limbic system of the brain. People tend to invest in whatever was hot yesterday.

Heres another way of looking at it: If you are in a herd of lemmings rushing to jump over a cliff to your death, should you leave it until the last minute to separate yourself from the herd, or should you get out when you first realize what lies ahead? And should you be tempted to go back?

But your challenge as an investor is nowhere near as difficult as the gold prospectors dilemma. You have a fantastic aid to help you in your decision. Even if you do not understand socioeconomics or Elliott waves, you have one simple rule that anyone can follow. When in doubt, always fall back on this one: Buy when prices are low, sell when prices are high. The Graham Dyer Newsletter has not missed a month's publication since July 1983. His track record for forecasting is the envy of many, including the 1987 stock market crash, the demise of the Japanese economy and stock and real estate markets in the 1990s, the bull market for bonds from 1989, and the real estate boom this decade. His book is entitled: How to Profit from the Coming Great Depression. If you want to know the pitfalls of investing as well as the opportunities, Graham Dyer's world class work is a must read. For more of Graham's work you can visit

Baby Cade's Guide To Making Money With Your Blog Content

Key Terms

EPC = Earnings Per Click
CTR = Click-Thru Ratio
CTC = Cut The Check (coined by Rasheed Wallace)

Passion is the essence of successful online content creation. With the advent of Blogger and other easy to use blogging platforms, even the unsavvy computer user is able to put content on the web for others to read and respond to. Its even more gratifying to be able to make money from communicating your passion to othersand it is so easy to do.

I believe that most readers of this article are at least adept enough to start a blog with Blogger and perhaps even place a Google Contextual Ad in the code. However, there are many other steps to take that can maximize your blogging ability to not only reach your audience but to make money from blog visitors.

Using a real example, I will give you a formula that you can easily follow, with little baby steps, that will allow you to start making money with your web content.

My Passion

You know what I like? Baseball!
Robert De Niro as Al Capone in The Untouchables

I am a fantasy sports junkie. To me, 14-6-8 arent just SERPS, they could also be Boris Diaws basketball stat line. Now that fantasy basketball season has ended (and I did win my league), I can focus full time on fantasy baseball.

During the course of this article, I am going to create and monetize a blog about one of my fantasy baseball teams ( I will use Blogger as my platform, though I will host the blog myself (and I strongly recommend that you do this as well). I will take you step by step through the creation and monetization process as well as give you my first post. I encourage you to copy my entire process when you create your blog...I think you will be happy with the results.

My Process

First, I set up my account and enter the pertinent FTP information. For this exercise, I will be working with the Sand Dollar Blogger template. It isnt the most aesthetically pleasing of the choices, but it will allow me to place my skyscraper ads down the left side of the page without changing the CSS in the code. Studies have shown that people viewing your website are more likely to notice content located on the left margin of the page (see the Google Eye Tracking Study for more detail). So in order to maximize monetization of my blog, my ads will be placed on the left.

Once I get into the Blogger interface, I click on the Settings tab to begin my customization. Many default settings should go unchangedI will only focus on those that should be altered.

(Basic Tab) Title: Your core keyword(s) should be in your title. Fantasy Baseball is minehence Tru Fantasy Wariors (the name of my team adapted from the Ron Artest rap record label) Fantasy Baseball Blog is a workable title for SEO purposes.

Description: Needs to contain your secondary keywords. In my case, they would be the members of my fantasy baseball team. I list each name here.

(Publishing Tab)

File Name, URL: The name of your file needs to be index.shtml instead of index.html. Note that if Blogger is hosting your blog, you cant do this.

Notify Click Yes

(Formatting Tab) Show: I tend to favor showing a lot of content on the home page. I would raise the number thats in the defaulthow much would depend on the amount of content that will be created.

Post Template: I would tag all my posts with the Technorati tag for fantasy baseball. I visit Technorati, click on the tag tab, and determine that I need to add the following code into the Post Template:

<a href="" rel="tag">fantasy baseball</a>

(Archive Tab): Archive Frequency: Choose Daily

Getting Content

I will signup for Google News Alerts for each player on my team. Each day, I will receive an e-mail containing news stories about that playertheir actions on the field will drive the postings that I make.

Placing an RSS Feed on the Blog

Placing an RSS feed on the blog will not only provide my readers with relevant content about the targeted subject matter, but it will also aid any search engine optimization efforts.

Im going to create a simple RSS feed for my blog that will focus on some players on my fantasy baseball squad. Note that this wont work if Blogger is hosting your blog.

  1. I go to Google News and click on Advanced Search.
  2. I create my search and I see these results.
  3. There are two primary feed types: RSS and Atom. Google News allows you to create either type of feed. I click on the Atom link.
  4. I take the URL of the Atom Feed to Feedburner, a service which enables me to format my feed in a manner that allows me to include it on my blog. I place the feed in the Burn this feed right this instant box and follow the steps until my feed is live and I get a new Feed URL.
  5. Moving right along, I now need to download some software that will allow me to display the feed on my blog. RSS2HTML is what I use. Note that this software will only work if my webhost supports PHP. Although Im sure that easy-to- implement ASP solutions exist as well, I havent used any of them.
  6. I unzip the downloaded zip file and I see the two necessary files that I need to upload to my webserver: rss2html.php and sample-template.html. I open the latter file (if you dont have an HTML editor, use Notepad on your PC). At the top of the page, I delete everything between the title tags, the h1 tags, and the h2 tags.
  7. I then change the Table Width from 100% to 30%. These are purely stylistic changes that I am making. I then save the file and upload both files to the root of my webserver.
  8. I go back into Blogger and I open my template. I scroll down until I see
    "div id="sideBar"
    Remember how I generated a Feedburner URL (step #4 above)? I need it now. I place the following code directly below

    "div id="sideBar"

    < !--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="rss2html.php?<br>XMLFILE=" -- >

    When you do this yourself, just substitute your Feedburner URL for mine. I save the template and republish it to the web. I should see my feed on the sidebar of my blog.

The First Post

Each day, I will get a series of Google News Alerts e-mailed to me about the members of my fantasy team. My daily postings will be guided by my ideas and thoughts about my team. The sample post I included was driven by reading a news alert about Ichiros first good game of the year and how I traded Miguel Tejada for Ichiro, which was an incredibly stupid move. Since Ichiro is the focus of my post, I make sure to use his name in my post title. I then proceed with my mini-rant (making sure to include the names of all the players involved).

In addition to my Technorati tag for fantasy baseball, I also add tags for Ichiro Suzuki and Miguel Tejada which serves the purpose of getting my site into Technorati for people searching for those players. Technorati tags also increase the keyword density of those terms in the blog, aiding in the SEO effort.

If you are new to the blogosphere, youll ultimately develop your own posting stylejust always be sure to use your targeted keywords in each post.


Google Ads / Affiliate Programs

One needs to develop a certain amount of content before you can apply and be accepted into the Google AdSense Program (Im leaving out Yahoos program because its still in beta). Since I already have an AdSense Account, I can skip this step.

Im going to give you a couple of very important rules that advanced AdSense Publishers already know and use to help increase their websites revenue generation.

  1. Make the background of your ad the same color as the background of the page. On my fantasy baseball blog, I have decided to place my ads in the body of the blogthe color of which is #F6F6F6. I wish to customize my ads so they blend into the blog background. Within the AdSense interface, I click on Custom Palettes. I go to the White palette and replace the background and border colors with F6F6F6. I then save my custom palette for use in my blog.
  2. The second cardinal rule of maximizing AdSense revenue is making your ads seem like they are part of your blog content. Given that I can only place a maximum of three ads on a page, I make the following selections:
    • I want to place a 728 x 90 Leaderboard Ad directly above my most recent post. Making sure Im using my custom palette, in my blog template, I drop my code just after

      "div id=mainClm"
    • I take a 300 x 250 Medium Rectangle Ad and place it directly above my RSS Feed in my sidebar.
    • I withhold using my third ad for now. I will continue to experiment with different ad placement.

Given the ubiquitous nature of contextual advertising, many new publishers forget that they can become members of affiliate programs and make money through sales of affiliate products. For ease-of-use purposes, I recommend that newbie publishers simply join one of the bigger affiliate networks Commission Junction, Linkshare, and Shareasale are the most prominent).

When I choose an affiliate merchant for my blog, I know that I need a tight nexus between the merchant and the blog subject matter in order to make sales. I know that with some of my older, more established websites, I have done really well making sales with anti-aging products that have excellent payouts. However, I wouldnt consider placing those banners on this blog because my audience wont be interested. The sports merchandise merchant I choose here will be much more likely to make revenue for me even if the payouts are less.

Blog and Ping

Why do this step? To let the various blogging search engines know that I am continuing to update my blog with fresh content.

The easiest way for me to blog and ping is as follows: I surf over to I fill out the information requested, including my site feed URL (which is found in the Blogger Interface by clicking Settings / Site feed). I will come back to this site periodically to repeat the process.


Link-building is an essential part of search engine optimization, so I will need to build links into my blog in order to drive more traffic to it. Many articles have been written about how to build links. For purposes of this exercise, Im going to follow a beginners technique that will allow me to build some relevant links quickly and easily.

  1. I go to and register my website. I upgrade to full membership.
  2. I download and install the Google Toolbar.
  3. I now have the ability to trade unlimited links with over 40,000 websites. I only want to trade links with sites relevant to mine. Trading links with pharmaceutical sites isnt going to help me with SEO for a fantasy baseball website, nor will it benefit my site visitors. I click through to the Sports Directory of Linkmarket.
  4. I offer to trade links with each website in the Fantasy and Baseball Categories (and if Im feeling really aggressive, Ill trade links with the Basketball, Football, and Hockey websites, as well). Before I decide to trade links with a site, I visit the site in order to check its Google Page Rank. It matters not to me what the Page Rank is, so long as its not zero.
  5. If the website accepts my offer to trade, I place their code in my Website Template in the sidebar beneath my links header.
  6. I will most certainly get offers from other website offering to trade links with me, which Ill accept so long as linking to that website will be valuable to my blog visitors (and if their websites dont have a Google Page Rank of zero).

Note that to achieve long-term SEO success, youll need to earn inbound linksnot just trade for them.


When you are communicating your passion to the world, it doesnt feel like work. When you are communicating your passion to the world and earning money at the same time, its even better. If you havent participated in this most basic area of online commerce before, I invite you to take the plunge. Ive attempted to spoon-feed you a process that can easily be followed by someone with a minimal technical background. If you choose to embark on such a journey, it will be rewarding, educational, and a heck of a lot of fun.

Welcome To The World Cade David Mintz

Todd Mintz is the Director of Internet Marketing & Information Systems for S.R. Clarke Inc., a Real Estate Development and Residential / Commercial Construction Executive Search / Recruiting Firm headquartered in Fairfax, VA with offices nationwide. He is also a Director & Founding Member of SEMpdx: Portland, Oregon's Search Engine Marketing Association.

The Perks Of Online Stock Investing

Getting into the stock market can be a fun and rewarding venture. For those who are unfamiliar with its ups and downs, the prospect can be a bit daunting though. Dealing with brokers can be a little frustrating. Some brokers are very easy to reach and will do a buyer's bidding no matter what.

Others, armed with more knowledge than the investors, will sometimes be a little less responsive. Thanks to online stock investing, brokers can be virtually taken out of the mix for those who aren't keen on dealing with a middleman directly.

Online stock investing is a fairly new concept that has opened a lot of doors for investors of all financial means. Everyone from retirees to schoolchildren have managed to get involved in online stock investing for a whole host of reasons.

There are some negatives to going this route to make investments, but there are a whole lot of perks that go with it, too. The cons for online investing involve the loss of a personal broker that can offer sound advice. When it comes to getting the best advice on what to buy, when to buy and when to sell, it's hard to replace the expert.

Beyond that, however, online stock investing does have a lot of perks that make it accessible to virtually anyone. Plus, many reputable online trading sites provide access to trained brokers and investment counselors when their help is needed.

The overall perks of online stock investing include:

Ease: Most online trading sites offer very simple interfaces that enable users to quickly and easily buy and sell stocks. All that's generally necessary is setting up a free account, sharing some information and inputting what's required to pay for stock purchases. Most sites offer a lot of help for decision making and even navigating through purchases and sales, too.

Cost: The costs associated with trading stocks online will vary from site to site, but in general they are much more affordable than using direct brokerage services. Rather than charge huge per trade fees, these sites enable very small purchases and sales for pennies. This is what makes online trading so attractive to small investors looking to turn their milk money into extra cash.

Control: Online stock investing tends to put a lot more control into the hands of the investor. With direct access to buy and sell commands, these services help ensure that what investors want done is truly carried out. This can present both pros and cons, however. With the ease for selling and buying, overzealous traders can sell prematurely or buy at bad times.

Freedom: Online stock investors tend to have a lot of freedom to make their own decisions. This falls under control, somewhat, but the fact is this is one of the best options for someone who wants the freedom to make all of their own decisions regarding their money and investments.

Online stock investing can be a great way for anyone to get involved in the market. Coming with fees that are more affordable to the masses, this trend is one that's more than likely to continue.

For more online stocks information please visit - a popular online stocks website that provides tips and online stock resources. Don't forget to check out our page on online stock investing

The Big Lie About Social Security

Do you ever dream about what your retirement will look like? Do you plan to visit certain places or volunteer for a certain organization? Maybe you look forward to just taking it easy and getting caught up on your hobbies.

Are you counting on Social Security for a large portion of your retirement income? If so, please read on. What I am going to tell you could help you get to retirement in good financial shape.

We have been led to believe that the Social Security Trust Fund will be there for us when we retire. Depending on your age, there may be some form of Social Security, but it will be nothing like what retirees have enjoyed the last 70 years or so. If you are under 50, chances are, Social Security will not be there for you at all.

This is not new information. In fact, congress was first made aware of the fact that the Social Security Trust Fund was unsustainable way back in 1955. Have they done anything with that knowledge? No, instead they added the Medicare and Medicaid plans to the mix, making the whole system even more unsustainable.

First, you need to realize that there is no real Social Security Trust Fund. The money is collected, checks are cut for current retirees, and the rest of the money is deposited in the general fund to be spent as the government sees fit. There is no investment of our money to help build our retirement funds, it has been spent. All of it.

Second, the demographics of the U.S. are showing a rapidly aging population. Between now and 2030 the number of Americans over the age of 65 will grow from 40 million to 78 million. During this same time, the number of workers supporting Social Security will drop until there are only two workers supporting every retiree.

In 1999, Peter G. Peterson, the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and chairman of the Blackstone Group, wrote a book titled, "Gray Dawn: How the Coming Age Wave Will Transform America-And The World." In it he estimates the total unfunded liabilities of the Social Security Trust Fund to be $10 trillion. That was 1999. Now that number is estimated to be in the range of $77 trillion. That's trillion with a "T."

What if the government were to wake up and try to fix the problem? Well, according to Peterson, in 1999 it would cost the government $750 billion per year for the next 30 years. Add to that Medicare and the annual amount jumps to $1.5 trillion per year. Now, the total U.S budge is expected to be around $2.7 trillion for 2008. That means the over 50% of the current budget would have to be used to fund these two systems and that is based on 1999 figures not the larger more recent number of $77 trillion.

If the government is not funding Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid then how will the government pay the recipients? There are only three ways: (1) collect more revenues; (2) borrow the money; (3) print the money. The results: (1) a tax revolt; (2) rising interest rates and a collapsing economy; (3) the destruction of purchasing power and also the lifestyle of anyone dependent on Social Security. Not a pretty picture no matter how old you are.

What this means is that most of us will have to continue working to make ends meet and we must set aside funds to sustain us when we can no longer work. If the government will not or cannot do it then we must.

Are you headed for a miserable retirement? Not if you act now. Learn more by visiting our website today:

Pros and Cons of Being a Limited Liability Company

Limited liability companies are the popular new choice for business start-ups. The LLC has only been in existence for roughly 26 years and there are some definite pros and cons.

A limited liability company is a creature of state law. Prior to the late 1970s, it had never been a choice for businesses because it didnt exist. In the late 1970s, the State of Wyoming passed an act creating it. It took another ten years or so before other states caught on. Once they did, the mad rush was on to pass legislation allowing for the creation of LLCs in nearly all states. The world of business entities had been changed forever.

The LLC is a business entity designed to help small business. As a result, most of the positive reasons for using it are catered to such business. In a general view, the entity is heavily favored because it provides liability protection from lawsuit judgments and business debts just like a corporation. On the other hand, the entity does not carry the legal requirements for running it like a corporation. Few board meetings are required and the administration of minutes and such is extremely simple. For small businesses, this cannot be understated.

Another significant positive of the limited liability company has to do with taxes. The IRS made a landmark decision in the late 80s to allow the LLC to be taxed like a partnership. This means the business owners can elect to have the finances of the business pass through to their personal returns. Doing so avoids the double taxation situation corporations are often criticized for.

The LLC is a great vehicle for small businesses, but there are some important cons associated with it that you must understand. First and foremost is the lack of history in relation to the entity. While it is supposed to provide the protection of a corporation from liability, this has not entirely been flushed out in the courts. So far, the decisions seem to support the idea, but it will be another 20 years at least until we can all be sure. Courts have a history of interpreting laws differently than the legislature wrote them.

Another con is clearly the fact that an LLC cannot be taken public. If you start a business and it takes off, the company cannot be listed on any stock exchange for a basic reason. To trade stock on an exchange, there has to bewell, stock. A limited liability company does not have stock. Instead, the owners are called members and own membership interest like you would see in a partnership.

Finally, there are a certain number of states that limit the use of the limited liability company. States like California, for example, do not let professionals use the entity. Professionals can be defined surprisingly broadly. While doctors, lawyers and accounts seem obvious, certain states also will restrict real estate agents, consultants and other professions. Ironically, the states will usually approve the filing, so you dont know there is a problem till someone sues you.

At the end of the day, an LLC is often a great vehicle for small businesses. Just make sure you understand the limits.

Richard A. Chapo is a San Diego business lawyer providing services for limited liability company formation in California.